About TOPSoccer

Our TOPSoccer Program, recognized by New Jersey Youth Soccer at their 2022 Annual Awards, returns this Fall. We are proud to offer this program, once again, at no charge.

TOPSoccer (The Outreach Program for Soccer) provides children and adults with intellectual, emotional and physical disabilities with an opportunity to play soccer in a structured environment that is safe, fun, supportive and inclusive. 

Each TOPSoccer  player is assigned a volunteer, a trained "Buddy," who work with the their player and makes sure they are safe, engaged, supported and having fun.

2024 Fall & 2025 Spring Season

The Fall Season of TOPSoccer will start September 17 and run for eight weeks skipping Columbus Day weekend. Players will be on Sunday afternoons at 4:30 pm. Sessions are 60 minutes.

Registration is open for Players and certified TOPSoccer Buddies. 

Click here for Player Registration.

Click here for Buddy Registration for the Spring Season.

Please contact Matt Rosenthal at President@SPFSoccer.com if you have any questions. 

Become a Buddy

In TOPSoccer, each participant is assigned a volunteer, a trained “Buddy” who is typically a little older and neurotypical. This Buddy works with their player individually and makes sure they are safe, engaged, supported and having fun. The player-Buddy relationship is maintained throughout the course of a season, resulting in strong interpersonal bonds and an establishment of trust and confidence that allows each player to achieve their full potential.

No soccer experience is needed, just kindness and a desire to be a Buddy to another child in your community. It is a great opportunity for High School Students and parents.

To become a TOPSoccer Buddy, you must take a free, 2-hour course and trainings are offered through New Jersey Youth Soccer.

Register for a TOPSoccer Buddy Training Course:

October 1, 2023 from 9:00 am-11:00 am at the Red Bull Training Facility - Register here

After you complete your training, please contact Matt Rosenthal at President@SPFSoccer.com to become involved in the program.