FreePlay Travel Tryouts
Registration for FreePlay (Travel Tryouts) for the Fall 2024/Spring 2025 Season is now open.
Q: What is FreePlay?
A: FreePlay is SPFSC’s version of “tryouts.” It is a program that SPFSC utilizes to identify and assess the talent of players who would like to be considered for an SPFSC travel team roster spot.
Q: Who is eligible for FreePlay?
A: Anyone who was born between the years 2007 and 2016. You do not have to be a current SPFSC travel or recreation player to participate in FreePlay. You do not have to be a Scotch Plains or Fanwood resident to participate.
Q: Do I have to attend both sessions?
A: Though not mandatory, attending both sessions is strongly encouraged, as it provides our team of evaluators a greater sample size to assess. We are aware of certain conflicts (e.g., dismissal times, school variety shows, etc.) and have done our best to work around them. We understand, however, that certain conflicts will remain. To the extent your child cannot attend a full session, we encourage him/her to attend as much of the session as his/her time permits. Your child will not be penalized if he/she is unable to attend a particular session or any portion thereof.
Q: Do I have to register?
A: YES! Anyone who is interested in playing travel soccer for the Fall 2024/Spring 2025 season must register for FreePlay--including those who currently play travel. Registration is free and easily accessible via TeamSnap by clicking here: FreePlay Registration
Questions? Email

FreePlay Travel Tryouts Schedule:
Rising U10 - U14
Session 1: April, 12, 2024
Session 2: April, 19, 2024
2015 Birth Year (Boys & Girls) 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
2014 Birth Year (Boys & Girls) 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM
2013 Birth Year (Boys & Girls) 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
2012 Birth Year (Boys & Girls) 7:15 PM - 8:15 PM
2011 Birth Year (Boys & Girls) 8:30 PM -9:30 PM
Rising U9 & Rising U15 - U18
Session 1: April 26, 2024
Session 2: May 3, 2024
2016 Birth Year (Boys) 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
2016 Birth Year (Girls) 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
2007 - 2010 Birth Years (Boys) 6:15 PM - 7:15 PM
2007 - 2010 Birth Year (Girls) 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM