Summer Select is a training & tournament opportunity open to SPFSC players with birth years 2015 through 2010 and also to those players in surrounding towns. The program includes practice twice a week and participation in two tournaments.
This year, teams will be formed across two birth years. The intention is to create one team per age group, but we will evaluate each tryout session to make a determination on multiple teams.
Weekly practices to continue training over the summer will be offered to players who do not make a Summer Select team and wish to continue playing.
Summer Select teams will train twice a week, 90 minutes per session, for four weeks with a projected start date of June 19. Training will be on a Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday, in the late afternoon/early evening. Specific training times for teams will be announced in late spring. Two tournaments, tentatively scheduled for the weekends of June 24/25 and July 15/16, are also included in the price.
If selected, the Summer Select program cost is $425.
Questions? Contact: Andy at andy.pearce@spfsoccer.com.
Summer Select Tryouts:
Date: Saturday, December 10, 2022
Location: Ponderosa Park, Scotch Plains
2015 & 2014 Boys and Girls - 10:00am to 11:00am
2013 & 2012 Boys and Girls - 11:15am-12:15pm